Kathryn's Peace Corps Adventure

The opinions expressed and experiences described in this blog are mine personally. Any musings that you read here are not affiliated or endorsed by Peace Corps or U.S. government. Or Starbucks. And I'm not making any money from any of this, so don't send a lawsuit my way. Got it?

Saturday, January 07, 2006


My very good friend from Gracias, Emily, has made the decision to ET (early terminate) and it makes me so sad. She is having a party tonight so I have to make this short. All my buses have already left my site so I have to see if I can get a jalon out of here. Wish me luck!

And Em, if you read this, I am going to miss you like crazy!


  • At 5:02 PM, Blogger *** said…

    RIP Em, its sad cuz crystal and i lost our prima, and we really missed you in ceiba. When are you gonna get up here and visit us?? The Kathryn room awaits you in our house....

  • At 5:02 PM, Blogger *** said…

    RIP Em, its sad cuz crystal and i lost our prima, and we really missed you in ceiba. When are you gonna get up here and visit us?? The Kathryn room awaits you in our house....

  • At 8:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I will miss you too! I miss you already. Being in the states is so wierd. I feel really lost and confused but am excited to see what's in store for me. And guess what Ruben said? He said if I change my mind within a year I can come back and don't have to go through training again! Awesome! So if I wake up one morning with regrets...I can just cruise on back down! Love ya, em


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