Kathryn's Peace Corps Adventure

The opinions expressed and experiences described in this blog are mine personally. Any musings that you read here are not affiliated or endorsed by Peace Corps or U.S. government. Or Starbucks. And I'm not making any money from any of this, so don't send a lawsuit my way. Got it?

Thursday, November 24, 2005

turkey day

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
I won the PC lottery and was allowed to have dinner at the embassador's house. It was really good food (but no mashed potatoes) and super nice. It was a very formal style dinner with a carving turkey and a serving turkey. I am so full now that I may burst. But it will probably be one of the few times when I will have a really good U.S. style meal in Honduras.

But this message is to let everyone know that I'm thinking of you guys and hope you have a great holiday!


  • At 5:11 PM, Blogger *** said…

    Next year we will have to meet at ruby tuesdays in tegus and have a hamburgeresa thanksgiving...

    Las Vegas is amazing, cant wait for you to visit, i hope all is well with you and your 577 other residents...
    simon and crystal


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