Kathryn's Peace Corps Adventure

The opinions expressed and experiences described in this blog are mine personally. Any musings that you read here are not affiliated or endorsed by Peace Corps or U.S. government. Or Starbucks. And I'm not making any money from any of this, so don't send a lawsuit my way. Got it?

Monday, July 31, 2006

dengue merengue

This past week has been hard for me simply because I was knocked out with dengue fever. It is just like the flu except exotic, I guess. I was sleeping 19 hour days and had high fevers. It was not a fun time. I am glad that it didn't hit me while I was in the states otherwise I would have been really upset. I missed a party in Santa Rosa because of it and missed some school this week too, not that it matters because starting tomorrow there will be a nation wide strike and no one knows when classes will resume. I was able to teach an English class today and after class a group of students came to my house being extra cute saying, "We'll miss you! 12 days is a long time!" Not that long guys. But it was sweet and gives me something to look forward to coming back to while in Chicago.

I don't recommend dengue fever for anyone by the way...in case you were wondering!


  • At 8:47 PM, Blogger Tony Akins said…

    If you have had Merengue Fever can you still get Dengue? I hope you're fully recovered and prepared to eat pizza,K.
    It's 100 flipping degrees here.
    But what do I know about heat from you?
    Have a safe trip back to Chicago. I've got a Convention for the first weekend of August but beyond that I'm yours ;~).

  • At 10:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    he does not lie about that 100 degrees. i literally sat in the lake for about 2 hours today. TOO HOT. i know you'll be busy, but outside of a couple interviews and a night in ann arbor, i think i'll be flexible enough to grab a coffee or eat a taco at your preferred hour. EVEN LATE!

    have a safe trip!


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